Update Key In All Objects Within Postgresqls Jsonb Array
Update key of all objects within PostgreSQLs jsonb array
Let’s say we have a model that has a jsonb column with an array of objects like so:
"hour": 16,
"time": 0.1,
}, {
"hour": 18,
"time": 0.2,
and we want to add to every object additional key with some value. The jsonb_set
function requires us to pass the index of each object, so we have to iterate over the collection. There is no built-in function, so we have to create a custom one. The implementation might look like that:
-- the params are the same as in aforementioned `jsonb_set`
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_array_elements(target jsonb, path text[], new_value jsonb)
RETURNS jsonb language sql AS $$
-- aggregate the jsonb from parts created in LATERAL
SELECT jsonb_agg(updated_jsonb)
-- split the target array to individual objects...
FROM jsonb_array_elements(target) individual_object,
-- operate on each object and apply jsonb_set to it. The results are aggregated in SELECT
LATERAL jsonb_set(individual_object, path, new_value) updated_jsonb
And that’s it… :)